This ring billed gull was one of several birds to appear at the Atlantic pond in the last few weeks. I was amazed to discover that this guy was more approachable even then the local common gulls. It practically sat on my lens! This of course meant that I could photograph him quite well despite some amazingly drab lighting. This guy looks a lot like a bird that spend much of last winter at the pond, could it be the same individual? I don’t see why not, these American gulls seem to return yearly in quite a lot of places around Ireland. Despite its status as a rare or scarce bird these gulls are actually seen quite often in Ireland during the winter months.

I named him Dell, after his latin name, Larus delawarensis. A very pleasant morning was had with this confiding bird!
On a different note, I have finalized and opened my splinter blog Mini-Ireland.blogspot.com which will focus on smaller things such as insects, amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, fish, mushrooms and flowers. It won’t be updated regularly until March but if your nature interests expand beyond birds then why not check it out.
Corkwildlife will remain active and serve as my base for birds and mammals. Click on the butterfly to visit Mini-Ireland.blogspot.com :)