Nother week, nother visit to Ballycotton. This time things
where on the quiet side (I think I miss the butterflies). Luckily though I did
find a considerable number of brent
geese and managed to get some halfway decent flight shots. A lot more around this
time then a couple of weeks ago (30 or so)

My first grey plover ground shot (I think). Not great but still nice to see one that’s not a mile away.

A group of dunlin awaiting low tide, one ringed plover with them (not in shot)

Amongst other things I photographed my first sanderlings,
living up to its name, ringed in Iceland apparently, very interesting!
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Couple of other things in the neighbourhood too, such as
about 30 choughs feeding in the seaweed. Characteristically hard to photograph
despite my almost lying flat on the sand to get an eye level shot, it didn't
quite work out as planned but that’s life I suppose.

Some teal showed themselves reasonably well, its not the shot I want but you can see the detail on their heads which is an improvement over my past teal shots!

Finches, sparrows and starlings galore as is always the case
in Ballycotton! This should have been a great greenfinch shot but alas my
automatic settings made them too dark!


House sparrow

Starling, rather like this shot

Ballycotton pier had a steady group of about 40 large gulls all day, a number which swelled to well over a hundred when a fishing vessel came in. No rarities (that I have the skill to pick out of a crowd).

Amongst the herrings, lesser black backeds and great black
backeds where a small number of kittiwakes. I love these gulls! I’m not used to
seeing them in the city, so a pleasant surprise!

Oh! and an otter by the pier too!Always nice to see