Sunday, May 5, 2013

Glaucous gull / Grote Burgemeester

Glaucous gull
Grote Burgemeester
Larus hyperboreus
2nd cycle

FINALLY a glaucous gull showed up in Cork city. After months (over a year in fact) of either missing this species altogether or getting a single flyover, I wasn’t expecting to see one until next winter. I even got some shots I am happy with! Next stop, an adult glaucous gull.

I have now seen little gull, Sabine's gull, Kumlien’s gull, Iceland gull, Ring billed gull, Mediterranean Gull and glaucous gull this winter. The first two need better shots next year but I am relatively happy with the rest. This seems a fitting end to the gull season for me. Next year hopefully I will have the chance to catch up with Bonaparte's Gull, American herring gull and yellow legged gull, each of which will undoubtedly confuse the crap out of me as they are so similar to black headed, herring and lesser black backed gulls. Fingers crossed!

no the water was not flowing at an angle. The bird itself distracted me too much to remember to shoot from a flat angle

Apparently a good ID marker for glaucous is that its usually dominant to herring gulls (unlike icelands). I think attempting to land on a herring gull's back definitly counts as dominant behaviour!

2 seconds after I reached the canal on day 3 I found him again looking straight up at me

Not going to get closer then this frankly

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